
Cyber Illuminate - On a mission to promote cybersecurity awareness and constantly research on creating security measures to prevent cybercrime.

Who We Are

Passionate cybersecurity researchers equipping the world with knowledge and tools.

QR code
QR code
black and white computer keyboard
black and white computer keyboard

Our Services

Cybersecurity consulting to protect your business from threats.

person holding iPhone
person holding iPhone

Security training and education to empower individuals against cyber crime.

Penetration testing and vulnerability assessments for proactive defense.

two women facing security camera above mounted on structure
two women facing security camera above mounted on structure
woman using smartphone
woman using smartphone
red and black abstract illustration
red and black abstract illustration

Cyber Illuminate's expertise helped us secure our systems and prevent attacks.

Customer Reviews

black laptop computer turned on
black laptop computer turned on

Their training program was comprehensive and easy to understand. Highly recommended!

Get in Touch